
Sunday, 3 March 2013

How to create your to do list and follow it effectively?

If you are a kind of student who has interest in variety of spheres, you must have faced problems with managing time and priorities. The real problem is to choose between what you should do and what you really want to do. This must have happened with you at some point of time unless you are a bookworm.
Let us introspect a bit. When we have too many interest , we want to do too many things at a time. At a same time we have to manage with things that we have to do to keep our report cards in good shape. So we are stretched in all the directions. I have experienced this and I know that until we give a good deal of time and energy on one particular thing, it is meaningless to work with that particular thing.
A little deeper thought will help you realize the core problem. You are not able to decide what thing you should do first and so at the end of the day, we find our day unproductive. For example, if I want to write a blog, study a chapter of thermodynamics, create video for my channel, talk with my friend, prepare for GRE exam. If I have all these things to do and if I have no idea what do I do first, I may start with one of these tasks but my mind would wander around other tasks that are yet to be done.
The best way is to have a to do list. Prepare a to do list for next day, before you go to bed. When you get up in the morning, you will have a purpose to get up. Now that does not mean you have to get up at 4 a.m. to follow your to do list. Get up at the time when you are comfortable. Please know your limitations and accept it and then create to do list. Else to do list can lead to more frustration.For example, if my capacity to read is just 2 hours a day, it would be meaningless and foolish to allocate 5 hours towards reading. So plan accordingly.
If to do list is created realistically, you will be able to follow it. To Do lists help because they remind you of what you have to do. Believe it or not, but some times we are not sure if we really have free time or we are just forgetting what we have to do. In most cases, latter one is true.
Don't take more that 3 or 4 things to be done in a days time. This will help you allocate sufficient time to them and you would enjoy working on those tasks.
Do you create to do list? How do you manage you time and stick to what you have planned?

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